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Local Hero Wil in Tortuguero

Wil 30 oktober 2022 Costa Rica Reistips


Tortuguero is one of my favorites places in the world. It is a long strip of land surrounded by water.

An exotic boat ride on the canals will unveil monkeys, turtles, birds, lizards and crocodiles that make Tortuguero their home.

If you are lucky, you might see a baby Turtle race to the ocean, or perhaps will watch the turtles lay their eggs in the middle of the dark. Either way, it is in an unforgettable experience not to miss.

And it seems like I was confused by a Red-eyed Frog and she jumped on my head - maybe she only wanted to be famous!

I can certainly promise that if you come to Tortuguero, you won't regret it. There is no way not to enjoy the deep contact with mother nature in this exhuberant paradise.

Pura vida, 


P.s.: I also was the captain of the boat for a few minutes!

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