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Chili 25 jaar

Cristina, student in Chile

You see me in the middle of this picture with my friends. Party time! Each year on September 18th we celebrate our ''Fiesta Nacional", the beginning of the independence process from Spain on September 18th of 1810. Depending on how it falls, the celebration can last around for a week.

The celebration of Fiestas Patrias is an expression of Chilean culture, but honestly it is just an excuse haha we in Chile are very patriotic! During the whole week there are celebrations all over the country, we have food, we dance a lot and drink as any good party! But we also learn and dance 'cueca' (the national dance), we eat typical food like empanadas and humitas, we drink typical drinks called 'terremoto', and we go to 'fondas': places to party outdoors with typical games, food and music. This celebration is also the beginning of the spring.

The 19th there is a military parade, very famous. It is actually mandatory to have the Chilean flag at your house during these days.

This year, due to corona, everything is cancelled unfortunately, so I will just celebrate it at home with my family and an 'asado' which is a typical barbecue.

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